School Leaders
District & school leaders
Gathering ongoing data across grade levels, buildings, and your organization enables administrators to:
Establish screening practices and targets, and evaluate screening practices effectiveness
Establish supported interventions bank with implementation guidance and research links
Evaluate effectiveness of core instruction and intervention offerings
Improve ROI and scale successful practices

"The biggest impact Proliftic has made is with specialists and administrators. In our first year of using it, specialists and administrators have jumped in more readily to test all the different features that Proliftic offers. It renewed a drive to use the data at hand and inspired them to be more independent in utilizing the different options. Several of our specialists created their own custom reports.”
Proliftic’s impact on schools:
Easily pull data for grade level/building data meetings, student groupings, etc.
Teachers can access data without requesting it from the assessment department.
It makes benchmarking more efficient.
Allows retrieval and sharing of specific data in a quick and easy format.
Use during PLC meetings or grade-level discussion, as well as for classroom data.
More general education teachers are utilizing the graphs, reports, and other options.
Webinar: Utilizing Data Retreats to Improve Instruction
Amy LaDue, Ph.D. & Matt Rega, Ed.D., Minnetonka Public Schools
Using data retreats as a key component to deepen the systematic implementation of a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework, Minnetonka Public Schools is on a journey to improve instruction. Learn how this midwestern suburban school district established data literacy among their staff through a variety of assessment and data tools. The retreat format empowered Minnetonka’s teaching staff to dig deeper into monitoring and improving the outcomes of individual students as well as to establish a scalable system for addressing all students’ needs within their MTSS framework. In this session participants will learn how to lead data retreats within their organization to help staff leverage data to improve instruction. Participants will also learn how to use longitudinal data to help with future instructional programming needs.