Using summative assessment data to drive instruction
Learn how you can use summative data to inform your classroom instruction. Proliftic makes benchmarking this data with that of other students simple.
How to collect summative data
Educators can collect summative data in a variety of ways. Teachers can assign students a midterm, a final project, or a paper and easily collect this type of information. Summative assessments should gauge the overall comprehension of the topics taught, unlike formative assessments, which serve as a quick check-in.
From here, you will want to benchmark this data against that of the class, grade, and district. Doing so will provide you with key insights into the effectiveness of your instruction. For example, if students in one class receive more interactive activities that boost their learning, you can then adjust your teaching to incorporate more interactive activities.
How to effectively benchmark your data
Dealing with data can become a cumbersome task. Educators often struggle to aggregate data from multiple sources and make sense of it. Although difficult, this data allows you to make smart decisions about your classroom and methods of instruction.
State testing provides a high-level benchmark that students must meet in order to continue to the next grade. This high-stake exam provides a broad benchmark for educators to assess their students. As a teacher, you likely want to know how your students perform prior to state testing.
Educators should benchmark student summative data to that of each classroom, grade level and district level. Doing so allows teachers to identify needed instructional changes and students that need extra support.
Dealing with massive amounts of data does not need to burden teachers. Proliftic makes dealing with data simple. We recognize that your data lives in different platforms, posing a challenge to educators needing to make decisions about their instruction.
Proliftic pulls data from the data’s individual locations and does all the heavy lifting for educators. Teachers can easily generate reports, monitor interventions, and receive support in their MTSS programs. Interested in learning more about Proliftic? Request a demo today.